Even as the world gets darker, we can still hold on to the hope that as Jesus is, so are we—seated at the right hand of the Father, far above every disease and negative situation in life. Be transformed into His glorious likeness as you fix your gaze upon the vision of the resurrected Christ who lives in you.
Enjoy this official lyric video of As He Is, So Are We. This song is recorded in the album As He Is, So Are We by New Creation Worship. Visit https://newcreationworship.sg for more info.
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As He Is, So Are We
© 2020 New Creation Worship
CCLI Song No. 7167438
Though darkness comes, no fear will overwhelm
His love has rescued me
His blood was shed and death was overcome
He won the victory
Jesus won the victory
He bore my grief and carried all my pain
His stripe has made me whole
Seated in Christ, my fears, they fade away
He has the final say
Jesus has the final say
As He is, so are we
The resurrection life is in me
As He is, so are we
The resurrected Christ lives in me
Your name exalted
From earth to heaven
Your grace and truth declared
Through every generation
Your word is spoken
The grave is shaken
The blind shall see again
The captives set free